Emily has over a decade of experience in community development and will serve Onondaga County with integrity, transparency, and with her constituents' best interests at the forefront of her agenda.

  • Accessibility.

    As County Clerk, Emily will continue to be present in the community, finding ways to collaborate with other agencies and organizations, and she will continuously assess and analyze the functions of the Clerk’s office to guarantee there are no gaps in access to services. Emily will work to provide more accessible office hours, including Saturday availability and mobile office hours when possible; she will increase digital access to services; and she is confident that her staff will be knowledgable and able to provide resources to every constituent who walks through the clerk’s doors. Emily will also be intentional with the staffing of the clerk’s office so that it represents Onondaga County as a whole, and expand on the existing translation services!

  • Modernization.

    Onondaga County is moving forward quickly and Emily will ensure all aspects of the Clerk’s office are advancing into the future and taking advantage of innovative technologies. Dated IT infrastructure jeopardizes agency performance, security, and the quality of services. Emily will assess the existing landscape and ensure the county clerk’s office is using technology to its advantage. In addition to updating and improving the existing website, Emily will explore the opportunity to automate different functions such as: paperwork processing, the interoperability of the e-filing system with other agencies' systems, data management software, and budget tracking. Automation in government services will increase transparency and efficiency and Emily will make sure that Onondaga County remains competitive and up to date in this ever-changing world.

  • Quality Customer Service.

    Research shows that Americans are typically dissatisfied with their customer service experiences in government. Emily is going to change that. With a father in hospitality and a mother in education, Emily learned the value of good customer service at an early age. Emily believes that engaging with the government should be easier and more pleasant, which in turn will allow constituents to access the benefits and services they are entitled to. The Clerk’s office is a vital resource in the community and serves thousands of constituents every year - Emily will better serve these constituents by empowering the frontline staff with comprehensive information and quality training. Employees will also be cross trained to reduce the risk of siloed information. Furthermore, Emily will implement regular employee reviews and ensure staff are being compensated competitively, are bonded as a team, and feel valued in their roles. In a world of friction and chaos, Emily will prioritize the human experience in government and ensure every constituent has a positive experience.